Source code for CIMAP.dendrograms

from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage

__all__ = ['dendrograms']

[docs]def dendrograms(muscles): """ Function for building of the dendrograms with the L1 and L infinite metrics for the clustering process `[2]`_. .. _[2]: :Input: * **muscles** (*dict*): the dictionary containing the cycles divided by modality got as output from the modality division function. :Output: * **muscles** (*dict*): dictionary containing the dendrograms built from the cycles divided in modalities""" # check for "modlaities" field so that the input is correct keys = list(muscles.keys()) if "modalities" not in keys: raise ValueError('"modalities" key of muscles not found, check "muscles" dictionary' 'be sure to run modality_division first') # retrieve of configuration parameters dendros = [] for msl in muscles["modalities"]: # calculation of the value of the % of cycle to be used as threshold dendro_mod = [] for mod in msl: dendro = [] if bool(mod.any()): # check if the threshold parameter is respected if mod.shape[0] >= 10: # dendrogram for the L1 metric dendro.append(linkage(mod[:,0:-2], method = 'complete', metric = 'cityblock')) # dendrogram for the Linf metric dendro.append(linkage(mod[:,0:-2], method = 'complete', metric = 'chebyshev')) dendro_mod.append(dendro) dendros.append(dendro_mod) muscles["dendrograms"] = dendros print("Dendrograms building completed") return muscles